Adult Bible Study
- 9:00 AM Formation Discussions - Topics vary
- Tuesday and Thursday Bible Study/Morning/Evening Prayer
Thursday 7:00PM Zoom Bible Study with Evening Prayer
Please send e-mail to receive Zoom service info
**Note: Bible Study does not meet during July and August.
Sunday School for Children and Young Adults
Second Sunday of the month is Children's Sunday at 10:15 service!
- Sunday School Zoom Sundays (no Sunday School on 2nd Sunday of the month)
High School Students Meets weekly 11:30 - 1:30 pm, also regularly heads out for service projects and fun outings. Teens drive much of the curriculum with their questions and curiosity. We also focus on engaging with Bible stories at a deeper level and discussing how to put our faith into action. |
Father Zac and the children discuss the many forms of light and how important it is to be a light for each other. (11/12/17)