Please use Contact Us for more information on Ministries
Worship The Worship Committee works closely with the priest to plan liturgies for services throughout the year including Thursday and Saturday Evening Eucharist, Sunday morning services, and special services throughout the year. This includes Sacristans, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes, Lectors, Ushers, and Musicians. Pastoral Care This group sends greeting cards to members of the parish who are not able to attend church, to parishioners when a baptism, birth, death, illness/injury, surgery, or wedding occurs in their family. Lay Healing Ministry Team St. Christopher's Lay Healing Ministry Team (LHMT) is available anytime upon request, but is specifically available on the first Sunday of each month; alternating between the 8 am service and 10:15 am service. If anyone is interested in joining the team or has any questions, they can contact Barbara Hughes. Barbara’s contact information can be found in the parish directory. Additionally, a request for information can be made through the ‘Contact Us’ link above.
Fellowship This group encourages fellowship and welcomes visitors by hosting a coffee hour after each Sunday service. Stewardship The Stewardship Committee is an administrative committee that works closely with the Finance Committee and the Diocesan Office of Stewardship Ministry to plan a year-round stewardship program for the parish. The committee strives to present a theologically sound and honest approach to stewardship by encouraging the donation of time, talent, and money. Fundraising A new endeavor that began in 2015. The Fundraising Committee plans events throughout the year. Past events included a spring yard sale, an international dinner, and a holiday craft fair & luncheon. A Vendor Bingo, held in February, was a successful and fun event for families to enjoy together. Events will be listed in the Whats Happening on our Home page.
Property The Property Committee is charged with the ongoing care, maintenance, and improvements of our building and grounds, making sure that we have a safe and welcoming environment for worship and for service to our community. This team also maintains the Memorial Garden, a living memorial that provides a quiet, private place for meditation and prayer for the interment of cremated remains of parishioners and their families. We always welcome members who wish to lend a hand on large or small projects! Contact Bob Leonard.
The hands and heart of Christ are present through our emphasis on caring for people, and seeking to be a place where there are no outcasts. Outreach is expressed through parishioners' time, talents, and financial support. We see Christ in all our interactions. Giving pervades all that we do as a church and as individual Christians. The Outreach Committee directs and supports various projects to assist those in need. Activities are in place to support efforts designed to assist both individual and community programs. In addition, each of our activities is in direct alignment with the UN Millennium Development Goals. The Outreach committee also works to ensure that St. Christopher's allocates 0.7% of its budget toward the UN Millennium Development Goals. The following programs are an integral part of our faith community:
Refugee Family Assistance We have sponsored 2 families to date as we live out Scripture's call to hospitality and service and furnished a home for a newly arriving refugee families with the help, invitation and guidance of the International Institute of New England. It was amazing to see so many step up to accomplish this and see the gift of hospitality lived out. While adjusting to new homes and new languages can be hard, the refugee family is off to a warm start in America. Thank you to all who stepped up for this ministry!!
Emmaus House A group of St. Christopher’s members prepares one meal each month for the residents of Emmaus House in Haverhill, MA. Emmaus House provides housing and other programs and services to homeless adults and families. Contact: Jane Roth (see contact in the Directory)
St. Anne's Food Pantry Saint Anne Ecumenical Food Pantry is part of the Saint Anne Parish Charitable Outreach ministry who's overall aim is to provide assistance to those in need in our vicinity. St. Christopher's members donate food to the St. Anne Food Pantry throughout the year. In summer months, produce from our garden is donated as well. Contact: Heike Martineau or Lyn Rockwell (see contact in the Directory)
CROP Walk Along with several area churches St. Christopher's supports the annual CROP Walk to raise funds for Church World Services. 25% of the money raised is returned to local food pantries while the remainder is used to support self-empowerment programs in over 80 countries. St. Christopher's was the host site for the 2015 Walk. Contact: Barbara Hughes (see contact in the Directory)
ChIPs Collect and organize toys and books for Children of Incarcerated Parents each year for Christmas.
Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) Donations As part of St. Christopher’s commitment to Millennium Development Goals donations are made to ERD.
United Thank Offering - UTO UTO is a practice in over 7000 congregations, collecting monetary gifts of thanksgiving each December. These gifts are combined with others and are ultimately given as grants for projects throughout the Anglican Communion. At St. Christopher's our UTO collection takes place during Lent.